Monday, June 30, 2008

About «Leão Holandês» («Dutch Lion»)

(All photos by Sailor Girl)
The «[Leão Holandês]» («Dutch Lion») is a classic boat that organizes sailing cruises in Lisbon on the river Tagus or even until Cascais. Her teambuilding or party cruises, incentives, or other events (such as baptisms and even weddings) are always one of the finest I have had the privilege to testimony, along with other ships, such as Lisbon's «Príncipe Perfeito». The «Leão Holandês» makes sailing cruises an event to remember!... Her crew is highly efficient and really nice, just like her owner and captain, Mr. Dirk Willem Gesink, a real Dutch Lion also!!...
She is 35 metres long, 6.2 metres wide and has three masts, a 230-horsepower diesel engine and all the latest navigational and communications equipment, complying with international safety requirements. She is also equipped with double cabins below deck and various toilets and showers. The spacious, stylish lounge, which seats approximately 50 people can be used for both social and business activities. The ample deck space is convenient for various types of events. Meals may be served on deck or below, with a maximum capacity of 75pax on board.
Originally the Leão Holandês was built as a 2-Mast Schooner in the Northern Dutch town of Groningen in 1910 for a German skipper, captain Dehde, who used her as a freighter for wood. At that time she was christened “Amalie”. With this name she was taken to Germany and sawn in two parts at the wharf in Kiel in 1923. The operation served to add 6 metres and one mast to her original 32 meters. Until 1975 the ship was sailed under Danish flag and was then sold to the first Dutch owner. He traced the complete history of the ship obtaining her original blueprint and started to remodel her exactly as she was more than a half century earlier. The ship was then named “Sepha Vollaars” and sailed commercial trips from 1979-1983 in Holland. Sold in 1983, the ship sailed to Tahiti for the new Swiss owner, coming back to Europe 18 months later. By then, much of her beauty was gone.
When the present owners discovered the ship for sale in Belgium it meant an opportunity of a lifetime. They brought her to Portugal and named her «Leão Holandês». Some years later, and after having passed the difficulties of the local licences, the old three-Mast Schooner was once again hosting its sails and cruising Portuguese waters.
Passengers sailing aboard «Leão Holandês» can get official evidence of this unique happening, in the form of a special designed Certificate, before they step off the ship. Also, it is possible to receive one or more Certificates after the Cruise has ended. I have sailed with her twice and will order my Certificates as soon as possible!!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

«Dutch Lion»

(Photo by Sailor Girl)

Today's Highlight

Photo kindly sent by [Caniche Vagabundo], the blog of our dear Friend Max, a special Lisbon Dog, in this photo with his beloved Friend Sister Ophelia. Thank you, Max!... You are the best!!!...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Fragata da Marinha Brasileira «LIBERAL»

Brevemente publicarei um post dedicado aos nossos amigos da Fragata da Marinha Brasileira «LIBERAL». All photos by Sailor Girl.
Translation: «Our Ship, Our Soul».

Friday, June 27, 2008


Neuza Nobre e um modelo do catraio «Primavera», de que é brilhante Arrais (propriedade de Bruno Nobre)
Programa do Reencontro da “Marinha do Tejo” (instituída nos termos do [Despacho n.º 15 899/2008, de 20 de Maio], do Secretário de Estado da Defesa Nacional e dos Assuntos do Mar):

08:40 – Partida do autocarro da Marinha, da Doca da Marinha para a Moita, com os Órgãos da Comunicação Social e com os Convidados; 09.30 – Chegada dos Proprietários e Arrais ao Cais da Moita; 09:40 – Chegada ao Cais da Moita dos Órgãos da Comunicação Social e dos Convidados; 10:00 – Início da Cerimónia. Mensagem do Presidente da CM da Moita; 10:05 – Assinatura do Termo de Abertura do Livro de Registos da Marinha do Tejo; 10:10 - Alocução do Presidente da Associação dos Proprietários e Arrais de Embarcações Típicas do Tejo; 10:15 – Alocução do Presidente do Centro Náutico Moitense, Mestre João Gregório, seguida da entrega das insígnias de Fragateiro às Altas Entidades; 10:20 - Alocução de Sexa. o Almirante Chefe do Estado Maior da Armada; 10:25 – Alocução de Sexa. o Secretário de Estado da Defesa Nacional e dos Assuntos do Mar; 10:30 – Assinatura do Livro de Registos por todos os Proprietários e Arrais das embarcações participantes, e entrega das Cadernetas e Distintivos da Marinha do Tejo; 10:50 – Fim da Cerimónia; 10:50 – Embarque das Altas Entidades e convidados nas Embarcações Típicas do Tejo; 11:00 – Largada da Marinha do Tejo do Cais da Moita; 12:45 – Chegada prevista da Marinha do Tejo à Doca da Marinha; 12:50 – Desembarque das Altas Entidades e dos convidados; 13:00 – Confraternização na Doca da Marinha a convite de Sexa. o Almirante Chefe do Estado Maior da Armada.
Lista de Embarcações Participantes
Adivinhem qual é a minha favorita!

Uma recordação do meu primeiro embarque numa canoa do Tejo, a famosa «Canastrinha», do Amigo João Gregório, um dos Cavaleiros da Ordem do Atlântico Azul!!! Fui convidada pelo Amigo João Rodrigues, comigo nas fotografias, em Cascais, em 15 de Agosto de 2005!...

Sailor Girl aboard «Canastrinha», at Cascais, on August 15, 2005.

I will translate today's post as soon as possible!!!

British Bar at Cais do Sodré

(Photo by Sailor Girl)
This is a nice bar at Cais do Sodré (downton Lisbon) under which I pass, everyday from Monday till Friday... on the tube, obviously!... LOL!... It has an image of a beautiful ocean liner on one of the front windows. Dating back to the 1920s, and essentially unchanged since then, this Lisbon bar features rare beers, such as draught ginger beer and a Belgian assortment, as well as bar snacks and sandwiches.
Passo todos os dias, de Segunda a Sexta, por baixo deste fantástico bar do Cais-do-Sodré, o «British Bar» (no Metro, claro!!), que deve estar aberto desde os anos 20 do Século passado (tenho de pesquisar melhor). Tem um ambiente simpático e tipicamente britânico e podemos provar os mais variados petiscos, bem como todo o tipo das mais prestigiadas marcas de bebidas, quer nacionais ou estrangeiras, com especial destaque para a selecção extraordinária de cervejas internacionais e, ainda, a famosa cerveja de gengibre. Mas do que eu gosto mesmo é da imagem do Paquete... É LINDO!!!...
ADENDA: Luís Miguel Correia acaba de nos informar que o fantástico paquete é o «QUEEN ELIZABETH», de 1940!
The beautiful liner on the window of Lisbon's British Bar is «QUEEN ELIZABETH», of 1940!! This information has just been given by my friend Luís Miguel Correia, who is also the author of the Blog [QUEEN ELIZABETH 2]!!! He has published several books, one of them with another friend of mine from the United States, Bill Miller (William H. Miller, a.k.a. «Mr. Ocean Liner»), called «RMS QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 of 1969», on the second photo above!!...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Acerca da Bandeira do Atlântico Azul * About the Flag of Atlântico Azul

Flag of Atlântico Azul - copyright Raquel Sabino Pereira, a.k.a. Sailor Girl. All rights reserved. Photo taken by António Homem Cardoso. Bandeira do Atlântico Azul - Copyright Raquel Sabino Pereira, a.k.a. Sailor Girl. Fotografia tirada por António Homem Cardoso. Quem desejar adquirir bandeiras poderá contactar o fabricante das mesmas, Bandeira Sul, através de email para [Luís Costa] (ou pedi-las ao [CENTRO NÁUTICO MOITENSE], que as oferecerá se as tiver). Não tive ainda o privilégio de conhecer o fabricante, mas as que tinha foram-me gentilmente oferecidas pelo Centro Náutico Moitense e são LINDAS.

Hoje escrevo a propósito da Bandeira e do Espírito «Atlântico Azul: O Mundo é o Nosso Navio» ou «Um só Oceano. Uma só Cor. O Atlântico Azul». A Bandeira foi concebida sem fins lucrativos, as especificações técnicas foram brilhantemente feitas pelo IADE - Instituto de Artes e Design, mas quem a adquirir, a utilizar e ou a divulgar tem de obedecer ao Código de Conduta descrito adiante no presente post (e anteriormente publicado neste blogue). Não constitui exclusivo de nenhuma entidade, mas pode - e deve - ser utilizada por todos os que vierem por bem, que amem o Mar, que respeitem a Natureza e o Ser Humano em geral e que obedeçam escrupulosamente ao Código de Conduta adiante descrito. Today's post concerns the Flag and l'Ésprit «Atlântico Azul: The World is our Ship» or «One Ocean. One Colour. The Atlantic Blue». It normally identifies the traditional sailing barges of the River Tagus, such as MOITA, SARILHOS PEQUENOS and SEIXAL, and many others, in their races at River Tagus and other sailing ships along the Portuguese Coast, like the annual races to the islands of Berlengas (Berlengas Cup), promoted by JOÃO VEIGA and friends and the annual races at ALHANDRA. It is also used by many friends all over the World, in their ships and even in their bycicles and cars, as you may check at the following two photos, as an example:

From left to right, BLUE MOON I (from Lisbon), NAGUAL (from Cascais) and VÉRONIQUE (from Aveiro), with the flag of Atlântico Azul.

Another example: the bycicle of [Ricardo Diniz], the first Knight of the Order of the Atlantic Blue.

«Um só oceano. Uma só cor. O Atlântico Azul.»

«One Ocean. One colour. The Atlantic Blue.»

On Monday, April 9, 2007, subsequent to an undue and unlawful attitude from some users of the flag and visitors of this blog, I published a [LETTER TO MY READERS], describing the five pillars of Atlântico Azul. I got the idea after reading an issue of Portuguese Navy Review (Revista da Armada), where I found an interesting article about moral values, identity and memory which inspired me to write a post specially dedicated to my loyal friends and readers: the knights and other global comrades of Atlântico Azul. Many people had asked me what happened to this blog (as I was forced to delete it, after a serious of infamous attacks as above referred) and wished me all the best. I explained that sometimes in life you have to rewind and start all over again to maintain sanity levels to an acceptable point and to preserve each others' identity and memory, based in firm universal values. I pardoned the infractors, for too many times, but the attacks restarted from November 2007.

This blog is meant to be an escape from daily routine and a shield against sadness, loneliness and other less happy feelings deriving from all kinds of mental torture and painful truth. It is meant to put the Happy in our Ness and to try to make us laugh whenever all we want to do is cry or take the next flight departing from Lisbon Airport. It is also a record of daily feelings disguised within photographs, poems and news about the Blue. It is Life disguised within the Fantastic. A mental escape in forms of Art based in five pillars, dedicated to my friends and imposed to all readers and users of the flag:


As I have also been referring along this blog, all visitors and users of the flag must comply with the following MANDATORY COMMANDMENTS addapted from my Friend's [COCHISE'S BLOG]:

  1. Remain close to the great spirit;
  2. Show great respect for your fellow beings;
  3. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed;
  4. Be truthful and honest at all times;
  5. Do what you know to be right;
  6. Look after the well being of mind and body;
  7. Treat the earth and all that dwells thereon with respect;
  8. Take full responsibility for your actions;
  9. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good;
  10. Work together for the benefit of all mankind.

As my Friend "Cochise" says, «...if only people tried harder to follow these wise principles, what a wonderful world it would be»... Well, let's do it!... This is quite an inspiration for me to reinforce the pillars of the Atlantic Blue, so that its visitors and the users of its Flag do not forget.

The Insignia of the Order of the Knights of the Atlantic Blue: «PER MARE, PER TERRA, PER ARIA: SEMPER FIDELIS»

Finally, on Monday, January 14, 2008, I had once again to republish more conduct rules (I will translate them to you as soon as possible).


Para mais anúncios antigos, ver [AQUI]!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This exclusive photo was taken yesterday by [Luís Miguel Correia], at 4:20 p.m., who kindly offered it to me!! Click on it to better view it!!
You may watch, from left to right, QUEEN MARY 2, the sailing ship STAD AMSTERDAM and COSTA EUROPA. The Queen and the Costa were racing off Lisbon Port, but obviously the Queen won the race! The Stad Amsterdam was entering Lisbon Port. Today, we also had the pleasant visit of the INDEPENDENCE OF THE SEAS (which is not exactly bigger than QUEEN MARY 2, in spite of what has been said in the news releases).

Today's first music at Rádio Atlântico Azul

«Flying saucers could land and it wouldn't make much difference to my man. I could walk aboard and thank the Lord and leave this damn town in seconds flat, check my bags and never come back. Oh, our love is like a fuse that's burned out. Oh, our love is like a fuse that's burned out. Oh, I've been unkind, not like you. Ain't I ashamed, being misused. I liked your Chevy Duster, I liked your brand new trailer, I liked your colour TV, but you looked at that colour TV more than me. More than me»
«Ain't it a Shame», by the B52's, who will soon be playing on a Lisbon Mega Concert and I can´t seem to get a ticket for myself! Ain't it a shame?? LOOOLLL!!!....
By the way, the second music playing today at my Radio is called «In your dreams», is sang by Liliana Correia and was written by portuguese Armando Teixeira (Balla, Bullet). It was exclusively written for a commercial of TMN, one of the Portuguese mobile phone operators. Hope you like it! It's MADE IN PORTUGAL!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

On Lisbon wineries

Monday, June 23, 2008

Queen Elizabeth 2 has arrived to Lisbon Port... Again!

After her last call to Funchal (Madeira Island, in the photo above), the Queen has entered Lisbon Port today at 5 a.m. (so early...). It's 6:30 a.m., it's a beautiful and sunny day. She will be calling Lisbon four more times until she sails away to Dubay to become... a Hotel!... Well, it could be worse, couldn't it? She will depart today at 4:00 p.m. and I hope she will have a pleasant stay at Lisbon!...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tomorrow, Queen Elizabeth 2 will visit Lisbon Port once again

Photo by Sailor Girl of the Queen leaving Lisbon Port last September, on one of her several calls to Lisbon! She will be back again tomorrow morning!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Queen's Funnel

(Photo by Sailor Girl)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Convite * Invitation

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Invitation * Convite

The director of the Portuguese National Library invites us to the presentation of «Portrait d'Un Homme d'État», by Andrée Mansuy-Diniz da Silva, which will take place in Lisbon, on the 24th June, at 6 p.m. on the above referenced address. Click on the invitation to better view it.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


(Photo by Sailor Girl)
«Marvila» is one of Lisbon's ferries, made in Germany, proudly operating at River Tagus for ages!!! She normally sails from Belém to Trafaria (also stopping at Porto Brandão, the latter two on the Southern bank of Tagus) and back to Belém all day long!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


(Photo by Sailor Girl)


(Photo by Sailor Girl)

The Tower of Belém, viewed from the Cais da Princesa

(Photo by Sailor Girl)

Monday, June 16, 2008

O Cais da Princesa, renovado

(Photo by Sailor Girl)

Sunday, June 15, 2008


From left to right, [BLUE MOON I], [NAGUAL] AND [VÉRONIQUE]!!! Three of the most beautiful sailing ships of the whole World, maybe even of Aveiro and Cascais, with the flag of Atlântico Azul!!! Photo downloaded from Nagual's page, depicting one of the special moments they shared at this year's edition of Berlengas CUP.

Diz-nos o MBAS do Véronique que o Berlenga 2008 foi de categoria! «Mar e Vento a rodos, aventura, ondas radicais, sardinhas na Berlenga, um luxo»!!! E recomenda-nos uma saltada ao blogue da nossa [Amiga Atlántica], que fez uma excelente reportagem, com fotos que descrevem na perfeição esta fantástica festa!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pessoa: 120 anos

Yesterday we also cellebrated Fernando Pessoa's 120th Anniversary of his birth (born June 13, 1888 in Lisbon, Portugal — died November 30, 1935 in the same city) with the inauguration of another statue dedicated to Pessoa, a.k.a. Chevalier de Pas, a.k.a. Dr. Pancrácio and David Merrick, a.k.a. Charles Robert Anon and Alexander Search; a.k.a. by many other names, most notably: Alberto Caeiro, Álvaro de Campos, Ricardo Reis and semi-heteronym Bernardo Soares. The heteronyms possess distinct temperaments, philosophies, appearances and writing styles. According to Pessoa, the heteronym closest to his personality was Bernardo Soares, the author of The Book of Disquiet.

«O poeta é um fingidor/ Finge tão completamente/ Que chega a fingir que é dor/ A dor que deveras sente. * The poet is a faker/ Who's so good at his act/ He even fakes the pain/ Of pain he feels in fact».
Fernando Pessoa, "Autopsychography" (Autopsicografia) (tr. Richard Zenith)

Friday, June 13, 2008


(Photo downloaded from the internet)
June 13th is Day of Saint Anthony of Lisbon (and of Padova, Italy, where he died), the famous marriage saint, to whom single women ask to find them a good husband or a boyfriend. It is a holiday in Lisbon and Cascais.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

About the missing wheel

Photos by Sailor Girl of the same beautiful blue wheel in Lisbon (the one that suddenly disappeared).
The first two on this post were taken BEFORE someone decided to take the opportunity to make some extra cash out of it. See?? No advertisement yet!!!

The third was taken after someone seized the opportunity!! You may see a huge passengership passing by. She looks really small compared to the wheel!!!

If you click on the label «Lisbon wheels» you may find more extraordinary photos taken by me to this beauty!!! hehehe!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Photo by Sailor Girl of a beautiful blue wheel in Lisbon which suddenly disappeared!! It is also Take 9 for Anna Carson's [PROJECT BLUE].

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


This is one of my favourite photos from the lot I've posted today!! Like some of the others, it was downloaded from the oficial site of the [Presidency]! Click on the photo to better view it!



Photos downloaded from the site of the Presidency, taken yesterday to the Portuguese Navy Ships «Álvares Cabral» (F331) and «João Roby» (F487) at Viana do Castelo, during the trainings for today’s ceremony of the WINGS OF PORTUGAL!!! (please view the next post for more information regarding the link to the live performance).
A Fragata NRP «Álvares Cabral» (F331), da classe «Vasco da Gama», e a Corveta NRP «João Roby» (F487), da classe «Baptista de Andrade», durante os treinos de ontem dos ASAS DE PORTUGAL em Viana do Castelo!... Vejam por favor o post seguinte.


(Photo downloaded from the site of the Presidency, taken yesterday at Viana do Castelo, during the trainings of the Wings of Portugal for today's ceremony)
As [cocabixinhos] kindly informed us, you may watch the live performance of the WINGS OF PORTUGAL at 3 p.m. (Lisbon and Greenwich Time) at the following TV site: []. Não deixem de ver a exibição em directo a partir das 15:00 na RTP 1 e na RTP Internacional das ASAS DE PORTUGAL no site acima identificado!


THE PARASHOOTERS WILL JUMP IN ABOUT A FEW MINUTES, ALL CARRYING FLAGS OF PORTUGAL AND WILL FLY THROUGHOUT THE SKIES FOR ABOUT FOUR MINUTES!!! COCA BIXINHOS, ARE YOU WATCHING RTP 1???? AGORA ESTÃO A PASSAR OS COMANDOS DA SERRA DA CARREGUEIRA COM SEIS CÃES. MAIS DE 120 PARAQUEDISTAS DE SÃO JACINTO E AVEIRO A CANTAR «Ó PÁTRIA MÃE!! POR TI DOU A VIDA!!!», E AS OPERAÇÕES ESPECIAIS!!! PATRIOTISMO PURO!!!... Está a agora a passar um Jeep Willis matrícula ME-00-01, com mais de quarenta anos, que já saltou de um avião!!! Liiiindo!!! Ena!!! Obuses light gun, seguidos de mais 6 viaturas com obuses de 155 mm!!! Ohh... Os carros de combate este ano não vieram (por causa do local escolhiso - o Campo da Agonia - ter um parque subterrâneo que poderia ceder com o peso)... Bateria de 155 mm sedeada em Vendas Novas. Viaturas da Guerra Nuclear Biológica e Química. 12 VIATURAS BLINDADAS PANDUR DO EXÉRCITO! LINDAS!!!... Agora (11:35) vai desfilar a Força Aérea!!!... Às 15h00 vai haver uma demonstração das ASAS DE PORTUGAL!!! THE WINGS OF PORTUGAL WILL MAKE A SHOW AT 3 P.M.!!! YOU MAY WATCH IT AT RTP INTERNACIONAL!!!...


(Photo downloaded from the page of the Presidency)
Right now, at the Military Parade, the President, The Prime-Minister, the Armed Forces, other Offical entities and the people present are rendering an homage to all the Portuguese People who died for the Country. They will start reading all the names of the Portuguese Heroes, one of them my Mother's Friend, Francisco Palma, who died to save his colleagues at war, at Guiné. They will also pray for them, so that their brave sacrifice will never be in vain. Another Heroe I like to recall is Captain Carvalho de Araújo, who threw his ship towards a submarine to save a Portuguese passengership at Azores full of people which was being attacked!
Francisco Palma era natural do Torrão (Alentejo), estudou no Liceu de Torres Vedras (terra da Mãe dele) e em Setúbal. O Pai era funcionário das Finanças. Era Comandante na Guerra da Guiné. O inimigo atirou uma granada e ele, para salvar os soldados dele e camaradas, atirou-se de propósito para cima dela. No momento do funeral, o meu Avô ligou aos meus pais, que estavam em Serpa Pinto (Sul de Angola) e disse que nunca na Vida tinha assistido a um enterro tão dramático.